Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bowling with Grandma and Grandpa

My Dad and Sara came and spent the day with us. We had so much fun! Here are pictures of us bowling.

Genevieve and Grandma Sara

Genevieve and Grandpa

Genevieve liked the big fire truck.

Here is our 15 pound baby with a 15 pound bowling ball. I can't believe how big my little girl already is.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Here are Genevieve's Easter pictures. She had a very fun day, she did an Easter Egg hunt with her Daddy, played in a bed of Easter grass, and ate her first chocolate Easter Bunny.

Our Easter traditional Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast.

Genevieve's Easter Pictures

Genevieve's first taste of Easter Chocolate

"This tastes pretty good"

"No, this tastes REALLY good."


"RAWWR! You stay away from my chocolate! It is all MINE!!!"

Here is the happy, messy girl at the end (no she did not eat the whole bunny)

Straight into the tub and still happy from her chocolate.

"Happy Easter!"

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Genevieve's 1/2 Birthday

It is so hard to believe that Genevieve is already 6 months old. A half of a year has passed since we brought this beautiful baby into the world. She has grown up and changed so much already, I want things to slow down a little bit. She has changed from being a newborn that Kyle and I affectionately referred to as her "blob stage" to being able to roll over, smile, laugh, babble, play, sit up, eat solid foods, make us laugh and smile and play. She can make a day so much brighter and happier with just a simple coo and grin. It is unbelievable how much a baby changes things, and believe me the changes she made are WONDERFUL. I would not wish to go back to a time without Genevieve for anything in the whole world. I love my baby and understand how my mom felt when she used to tell me I was growing up to fast. Babies really do grow up to fast.

Here are pictures of Genevieve's 1/2 Birthday party.

1/2 Birthday Cake for the 1/2 Birthday

Genevieve's serving of her Birthday cake.
