Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Barer

My mom and Steve came to visit and play with the baby. Genevieve had so much fun...well we all had a lot of fun. We watched a Lacrosse game and a movie and ate lunch and played with the doggies and the baby. Genevieve was so happy to get to spend time with her Grandparents. Here are pictures of our fun filled day.

Genevieve wasn't quite sure what to think about the dogs at first, but by the end of the day she liked them.


So relaxed with Grandpa.

So playful with Grandma.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hungry Baby

Here are some various pictures of our hungry baby and her foods.

She likes to get messy when she eats, it must taste better after it is smeared on her face and in her nose because that is her favorite way to eat her food.

This picture shows what Genevieve looks like AFTER eating. SOOOOO full.

She recognizes her bottle and focuses on it very intensely until we put it in her mouth.

She has started to want to feed herself, so we let her play with the spoon sometimes.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Genevieve's Cuteness at 5 Months

Here are some random pictures of Genevieve.

Our little Sweet Pea in a Pod.

Play time

She likes to make this silly face, I think it makes her look like a dinosaur.

She is such a HAPPY baby!

Here is our little Jedivieve. She has mastered the force and uses it on Kyle and me all of the time to get us to do whatever she wants. Beware of her light-saber.

Genevieve is practicing her typing skills so she can help Daddy with his homework.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Videos Available on You Tube

Since our blog only plays our videos sometimes and wont let them work other times, we started uploading videos to You Tube. Here is the web address to our You Tube page.

You can subscribe to out You Tube page and you will receive email updates whenever we add videos.

I will update the blog with pictures and stories soon, it has just been so busy with work and Kyle's school that I haven't had a chance. I hope you enjoy the videos. Some are old and have been posted on here as well, but some are newer.