Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baby Food

So after Genevieve enjoyed her brownie so much, we decided that maybe it would be better to feed her baby food rather than sweets like brownies. We gave her a few bite of banana baby food to start with (I know most people start with rice cereal, but we wanted to start with bananas, which is also an acceptable first food for baby). She doesn't seem to know what to think about it. I definitely doesn't taste like the brownie she had earlier this week. Enjoy this video and these pics.

The first bite. Everything seems okay so far...

"I'm not so sure what to think about this"

*bitter beer face*

"Please Mommy, don't make me eat it again!"

This one pretty much speaks for itself.
This video shows just how much she liked it. By the way, she did keep opening her mouth and leaning forward like she wanted more. I was not forcing her to eat it, she wanted to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can tell she is a Brown she likes the chocolate better than the banana