So I am now 4 months pregnant (16 weeks) and the morning sickness has mostly subsided. That is part of the reason I can finally update the blog, it was hard to do when I constantly felt sick and carried around a barf bucket because I never knew when I might need it.
Anyways, our baby is healthy and growing lots. We were able to hear the heart beat at the last doctor appointment, which was fun. Even though I hear other people's baby's heart beat at work a lot it was wonderful to hear the heart beat and know that it came from my baby. We also got to have first ultrasound, it is still too early to tell if our baby is a boy or girl but it is big enough to tell that it is a baby and not a little blob or alien(well most of the time it didn't look like an alien). I still can't feel the baby move, but during the ultrasound it was fun to watch the baby move around. He or she was kicking me tons and kept doing somersaults and back flips which made it hard to get really good pictures, but we did get some pretty cute ones.
Here are the pictures we got to take home from the ultrasound.
I like this first one because you can see the side of the baby's face and can even see it's little button nose. It is also cool that he or she is holding it's hand above it's head and you can see all of the little fingers.

This second picture shows the side view of the baby from head to bottom. It is hard to tell but the legs are crossed like the baby is sitting crisscross-applesauce. He or she is also holding a hand up by it's mouth and it looks like maybe he or she is sucking a thumb.
Anyways, our baby is healthy and growing lots. We were able to hear the heart beat at the last doctor appointment, which was fun. Even though I hear other people's baby's heart beat at work a lot it was wonderful to hear the heart beat and know that it came from my baby. We also got to have first ultrasound, it is still too early to tell if our baby is a boy or girl but it is big enough to tell that it is a baby and not a little blob or alien(well most of the time it didn't look like an alien). I still can't feel the baby move, but during the ultrasound it was fun to watch the baby move around. He or she was kicking me tons and kept doing somersaults and back flips which made it hard to get really good pictures, but we did get some pretty cute ones.
Here are the pictures we got to take home from the ultrasound.
I like this first one because you can see the side of the baby's face and can even see it's little button nose. It is also cool that he or she is holding it's hand above it's head and you can see all of the little fingers.

This second picture shows the side view of the baby from head to bottom. It is hard to tell but the legs are crossed like the baby is sitting crisscross-applesauce. He or she is also holding a hand up by it's mouth and it looks like maybe he or she is sucking a thumb.

The last one Kyle likes to talk about the most because he thinks it makes our precious little baby look like a monster. He says that it's face looks like the skull from The Punisher and that the two fingers it is moving toward it face looks like a velociraptor claw. I have to agree that this picture does make our baby look a little bit more like an alien than a cute little baby, but I am pretty sure that I am not pregnant with a dinosaur so I am not too worried.

We have another ultrasound scheduled in about another 5 weeks and we should be able to tell if we are having a baby boy or a baby girl. We will get more pictures then and we will also get a video. I won't be able to put the video on here but I will put the pictures.
1 comment:
I'm glad that everything is ok. I think he/she looks just like you! hehehe
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