As you may or may not know, Kyle and I have to new roommates, Shish and Kabob. These are our new kittens who were orphaned at 2 weeks of age. Their mother was scared away by a dog who killed their other sibling they were rescued and taken to a shelter where they were raised until we recently adopted them. Now they are stuck with us. Shish is the larger of the two cats, weighing over 2 pounds more than Kabob when we got them. She is the cat in the front in this picture.

This is Kabob. He was trying to find the best bed in his new house. He tried out a few others before choosing the bathroom sink. His other favorites were an empty cardboard box, a kitchen towel, or Kyle's textbooks(only when he was using them of course).

This is Shish. She is no doubt a princess who thinks she deserves what ever she wants, including sleeping in the masters bed, and occasionally on their heads. An example of how she gets what she wants: On one of the first nights they were in the new house we closed the bedroom door when we went to bed. Shortly after we heard Shish scratching at the door. We thought nothing of it and assumed she would stop soon. She did stop scratching, but she started making a different sound, a sort of pounding sound. When I opened the bedroom door to see what she was doing, I found that she had decided that she would find her own way in and had torn the wood molding of our door frame off of the wall. Kyle's comment "You had to get a cat with opposable thumbs."

Well, of course we had to adopt kittens that are different than other peoples kittens. Our kittens have at least six toes on each paw. Can you see Shish's thumb? Their thumbs seem to come in handy for such tasks as stealing the food bowl from the other cat, grabbing toys and even occasionally breaking off a door frame.
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