Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby Shower

Here is a little update on our baby and my belly and all of the fun we are having. Our little girl is very active and likes to play soccer inside my tummy. We are now at week 34 (8 and a 1/2 months and only 6 weeks left until the big day). These pictures are from a couple weeks ago when my mom and Kyle's mom threw me a baby shower. It was tons of fun and I got so many wonderful things that I can't wait to show my little girl. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

My belly at 32 weeks (the very beginning of month 8)

The baby shower!

Here is me and my cousin Leslie with our babies. She is due on Christmas Eve so she has a little longer to go.

One of the games was that everybody had to smell diapers and guess what kind of candy made them dirty. Here is my Grandma and my Granny both really getting into the game.