So lately I've kept track of where I spend my time and here are the results. I usually get a good nights sleep, usually 50-60 hours a week. I spend 14.5 hours a week in class....well that's not so bad. walking back and forth to classes takes approximately 3.75 hours per week. Good quality fresh air time. Now here is were it gets a little disturbing: in a normal week I spend a minimum of 33 hours sitting at this desk doing homework. That's 1/5 of my life here. And this isn't even considering the 8-15 hours a week I spend at this desk just surfing the internet. So if the purpose of this blog is to share our lives with you then this is it. Pretty exciting huh? And no its not usually this clean. It got so bad I couldn't see through the scratch paper to my homework so I just finished cleaning it and thought I would share my life with you. Most everything an engineering student could ever need is within reach of this desk. Got some light reading material, various calculating and measuring devises, 3 CAD programs, degrees that cost more than a new car, calender to remind you what day it actually is in case you forgot to sleep last night, internet for wasting time, window to remind me that the world hasn't ended yet so I have to keep working, cell phone to confirm there are other people out there, lamp for when the sun gets tired but work never dies. Up until a few hours ago there was various dishes that used to be full of food, there is even a bathroom within 20 feet for when you absolutely cant work any more. The list goes on and on. This desk has everything you'd ever need for school except for an easy button. Well its almost midnight and I don't think I should keep writing just to avoid the inevitable homework so in the words of Jacob: adieu. By the way, has anyone else noticed that floating piece of used chewing gum at the top of this blog? What is that thing? Is it a blob or something I found under this desk? Whatever you do don't tickle it. Definitely not what I expected out of used gum. Seriously, am I missing something?
Kyle has one year left in Mechanical Engineering School...HOORAY! Brook works in pediatrics at a hospital in Lewiston. Genevieve is our little bundle of joy who gets into everything, makes us smile and laugh. She deffinately keeps our life busy and a little crazy. This is our story...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
maybe I should get out more.....
So lately I've kept track of where I spend my time and here are the results. I usually get a good nights sleep, usually 50-60 hours a week. I spend 14.5 hours a week in class....well that's not so bad. walking back and forth to classes takes approximately 3.75 hours per week. Good quality fresh air time. Now here is were it gets a little disturbing: in a normal week I spend a minimum of 33 hours sitting at this desk doing homework. That's 1/5 of my life here. And this isn't even considering the 8-15 hours a week I spend at this desk just surfing the internet. So if the purpose of this blog is to share our lives with you then this is it. Pretty exciting huh? And no its not usually this clean. It got so bad I couldn't see through the scratch paper to my homework so I just finished cleaning it and thought I would share my life with you. Most everything an engineering student could ever need is within reach of this desk. Got some light reading material, various calculating and measuring devises, 3 CAD programs, degrees that cost more than a new car, calender to remind you what day it actually is in case you forgot to sleep last night, internet for wasting time, window to remind me that the world hasn't ended yet so I have to keep working, cell phone to confirm there are other people out there, lamp for when the sun gets tired but work never dies. Up until a few hours ago there was various dishes that used to be full of food, there is even a bathroom within 20 feet for when you absolutely cant work any more. The list goes on and on. This desk has everything you'd ever need for school except for an easy button. Well its almost midnight and I don't think I should keep writing just to avoid the inevitable homework so in the words of Jacob: adieu. By the way, has anyone else noticed that floating piece of used chewing gum at the top of this blog? What is that thing? Is it a blob or something I found under this desk? Whatever you do don't tickle it. Definitely not what I expected out of used gum. Seriously, am I missing something?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Prego...It's not just Spaghetti Sauce Anymore
Last week Kyle and I received some wonderful news...I took a home pregnancy test only to find out that we are going to have a baby! I am currently 5 weeks pregnant, feeling great (no morning sickness yet), and looking forward to meeting our little bundle of joy this September. My official due date is September 29th. Kyle and I are so excited! We bought or fist baby outfit this weekend and have been busy starting to think of possible names. My first appointment will be March 16th. I will try to keep the blog updated with any other details.
Water Kitten
I had to stop taping him but he continued to drink the water like that for about 5 min.
Kabob really like to drink the water out of your hand. He isn't the smartest cat though and seems not to notice when the water is on his head.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
How I Met the Chief of Police
So crazy came to visit yesterday morning....along with the entire police force. At approximately 3 in the morning someone started banging on the door. living on campus this is not too uncommon so I just tried to sleep through it. after a while the just wouldn't go away. So I got up and looked out the window and saw some guy that looked pretty freaked out. When I opened the door he ran past me and tried to run up stairs but tripped and fell and just stayed there. He started to sware up a storm and tell me all about how someone put a gun to his head. He reeked of alcohol and I asked him how much he had that night and he said too much. Then I saw headlights shining in our window so I looked outside and saw a cop car turning around. Meanwhile, mister crazy pasted out on the futon. I told Brook to go upstairs and call the cops. Sure enough, the police knew exactly who we were talking about. Within seconds the cop came running through the front door and tackled him on the floor. He tried telling the cops this was his house and my name was Jake. I said otherwise. By now the chief of police and four cop cars worth of police were at my house. They told me that this was the second house that night he had done this to. In the end it was decided that because the police did not see him enter our house and I didn't make him leave that either they had to let him go on our front lawn or we had to put him under citizens arrest and let him spend the night in jail. He got to spend a night in jail. Later that morning I was again woken by the sound of knocking on the door. Luckily this time it was my buddy Nathan that I was supposed to help move in that day. Sorry, no pictures of mister crazy. Ill try to remember to take the camera downstairs with me next time.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Living in Idaho
So here is what we woke up to this morning. It snowed over a foot overnight and we had some digging to do. Here is a picture of me throwing an ice cicle at the snow. I was trying to get revenge because there was already another inch of snow on the ground by the time I was done shoveling the walkway.
We also had to dig the car out. We had to pile all of the snow behind the Jeep because the four wheel drive in the Jeep went out in it a few weeks ago so it wasn't going anywhere.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Years
So a lot has happened in the last year and I wanted to take a few moments to remember all of the wonderful things that have happened and reflect on all that Kyle and I have been blessed with.
This time last year we were living in my dad's basement studying hard for school. Speaking of school, I graduated in June. Kyle graduated as well and then enrolled in University of Idaho.
For Valentines day I made a romantic candlelit dinner and Kyle decorated the basement by covering the walls with dozens of handmade hearts that each had a special note written on them.
On our two year anniversary, Kyle and I went to Portland. We went to the zoo and a Korn laser light show at Omsi. We also watched a performance by Cirque Du Soliel called Corteo. We sat in the second row and were able to interact quite a bit with the preformers. We even got to throw a midget in the air. She was tied to a hot air balloon and the clown threw her in the audience where we took turns passing her back and forth.
Over the next couple months I continued to study, write papers and do clinicals. I graduated on June 8th. Kyle moved to Moscow, Id on June 14th while I was studying for my nursing boards in Vancouver, Wa. Kyle Started working with the forest service in Potlatch, Id the Monday after he got to town. I stayed in Walla Walla for a coupe more weeks where I worked on cleaning, packing the last of our stuff and studying.
I was a nurse at Camp Wooten during the last week of June where I enjoyed spending time outside and playing with all of the kids. I moved to Moscow immediately following my week of no sleep at camp.
I took my nursing boards, and passed them on July 9th. Then I started working at the hospital in Lewiston the following week in the pediatric department.
During this entire time Kyle was working 10 hour days packing a chainsaw between 5-10 miles every day. While working he got to see some moose, porcupines, and heard a lot of wolves. His job was dangerous sometimes. He once had to jump off a cliff to keep from having a tree fall on him.
Tyrel and Mandy came to visit us for a week which was a lot of fun. We spent a day in Couer d'Alene and Spokane. We went bowling, played the Wii and spent time with Mike and Keri.
Kyle started school in August. His classes were pretty challanging and kept him very stressed out and busy, but he made it through with all A's and B's.
Wicket was hit by a car in July and was never fully able to recover so unfortunately we had to put him to sleep. When Wicket left our family, we had 2 new cats added to our family, Shish and Kabob.
The weekend before thanksgiving Kyle went with his parents to Rexburg, Id to visit Tyrel, Mandy, and Ivan. He had a blast down there. Then we went to Walla Walla where we visited with family and Kyle made a robot for his classes.
We got our first snow of the year in December and when we went home for Christmas we got to see a lot more snow. We had a wonderful Christmas together.
And that all brings us to New Years. Kyle and I spent new years eve watching movies and playing our Wii that we got for Christmas. We played Mario party and made a bet that the loser had to run outside barefoot in the snow and ice to check th mail. Kyle lost so I got to stand at the door and laugh as he ran to the mailbox and then when he got there realized that we had recieved a package and that he had to open another mailbox to get our mail.
I am so greatful for how much fun we have been able to have and how blessed we have been to be healthy, safe and to do so well in all that we have worked toward. I hope that 2009 will be as great as 2008 was.
This time last year we were living in my dad's basement studying hard for school. Speaking of school, I graduated in June. Kyle graduated as well and then enrolled in University of Idaho.
For Valentines day I made a romantic candlelit dinner and Kyle decorated the basement by covering the walls with dozens of handmade hearts that each had a special note written on them.
On our two year anniversary, Kyle and I went to Portland. We went to the zoo and a Korn laser light show at Omsi. We also watched a performance by Cirque Du Soliel called Corteo. We sat in the second row and were able to interact quite a bit with the preformers. We even got to throw a midget in the air. She was tied to a hot air balloon and the clown threw her in the audience where we took turns passing her back and forth.
Over the next couple months I continued to study, write papers and do clinicals. I graduated on June 8th. Kyle moved to Moscow, Id on June 14th while I was studying for my nursing boards in Vancouver, Wa. Kyle Started working with the forest service in Potlatch, Id the Monday after he got to town. I stayed in Walla Walla for a coupe more weeks where I worked on cleaning, packing the last of our stuff and studying.
I was a nurse at Camp Wooten during the last week of June where I enjoyed spending time outside and playing with all of the kids. I moved to Moscow immediately following my week of no sleep at camp.
I took my nursing boards, and passed them on July 9th. Then I started working at the hospital in Lewiston the following week in the pediatric department.
During this entire time Kyle was working 10 hour days packing a chainsaw between 5-10 miles every day. While working he got to see some moose, porcupines, and heard a lot of wolves. His job was dangerous sometimes. He once had to jump off a cliff to keep from having a tree fall on him.
Tyrel and Mandy came to visit us for a week which was a lot of fun. We spent a day in Couer d'Alene and Spokane. We went bowling, played the Wii and spent time with Mike and Keri.
Kyle started school in August. His classes were pretty challanging and kept him very stressed out and busy, but he made it through with all A's and B's.
Wicket was hit by a car in July and was never fully able to recover so unfortunately we had to put him to sleep. When Wicket left our family, we had 2 new cats added to our family, Shish and Kabob.
The weekend before thanksgiving Kyle went with his parents to Rexburg, Id to visit Tyrel, Mandy, and Ivan. He had a blast down there. Then we went to Walla Walla where we visited with family and Kyle made a robot for his classes.
We got our first snow of the year in December and when we went home for Christmas we got to see a lot more snow. We had a wonderful Christmas together.
And that all brings us to New Years. Kyle and I spent new years eve watching movies and playing our Wii that we got for Christmas. We played Mario party and made a bet that the loser had to run outside barefoot in the snow and ice to check th mail. Kyle lost so I got to stand at the door and laugh as he ran to the mailbox and then when he got there realized that we had recieved a package and that he had to open another mailbox to get our mail.
I am so greatful for how much fun we have been able to have and how blessed we have been to be healthy, safe and to do so well in all that we have worked toward. I hope that 2009 will be as great as 2008 was.
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